Build the Foundation of a More Scaleable Business So You Can Stop Trading Time for Money

To: All Professional Services Providers currently trading “hours for dollars”:

Have you ever said to yourself, “All I need is just a few more good clients each month”?
I know I have.
Let’s say you got 5 good new clients each month.
Would that be a good thing?
If you’re like most consultants, coaches, financial advisors or other professional service providers, you will probably say yes.
What if you got 10 good new clients per month? Would you be thrilled, or would things start to break?
Now let me give you one more hypothetical.
What if you got
New Clients per day?
10 new clients, each day, every day. Would you be able to take it? Or would your business burst at the seams?
Would your business implode like this building?
It’s not your Fault..
If you’re like 99.9% of Consultants, coaches, web developers, financial advisors, or other service professionals, then the reason you feel “strapped” to your business is because the business model is flawed.
So what can you do about it?
Hi, I’m John Corcoran.  I’m the guy on the right – and the co-founder of Rise25, LLC. That’s my business partner, Dr. Jeremy Weisz, on the left. 
I’m an attorney-entrepreneur, former Clinton White House writer, contributor for Forbes and Huffington Post.
I jokingly refer to myself as a “recovering attorney,” now that I’ve transitioned out of practicing law.

But back in 2011, when I launched my business on the heels of the great recession, I thought it would be easy to run a business and get new clients while also serving those clients.

Oh, how mistaken I was.

I quickly saw how much time, energy and effort it took to run a service-based business.

I realized as long as I was “trading hours for dollars,” and had to hustle to get new clients in the door each and every month (while serving the ones I already had!), I would always feel like I was treading water in my business.

It seemed I was constantly struggling to land new clients, then I had to turn around and spend even more time keeping those clients happy. And while I was serving clients, I needed to also be going out and getting new clients.

It was a never-ending rollercoaster.

You ever experience that?

I spent more wasted hours in one on one “discovery calls” with prospective clients and “get to know you” coffees with other service professionals than I care to admit. And most of the time those meetings led to ZERO new clients and ZERO new referrals.

I felt “stuck,” and not sure how to break through.

I wanted a smarter, more leveraged, more intelligent way of attracting high quality clients, charging premium prices, and getting paid even when I’m not in the office.

And I wanted to make this happen even though I felt like I had no time to make it happen.

Maybe you can relate to this?

The bottom line was I knew I needed to make a change in my business so it wasn’t 100% dependent on me being at the center all the time. I wanted to be able to take a vacation without stressing out about all the clients who might abandon me while I was gone, or the leads I would miss while I was away.

Finally, after years and years of trying just about everything, I figured out how to add new revenue streams, diversify my income sources, and scale up my business so I was (finally) no longer trading hours for dollars.

By 2015, it was like I had flipped a switch. I was able to step back from the day-to-day of working “in” my law practice and build a business that generated more revenue, paid me even when I was sleeping (I know, crazy, right?), and allowed me to scale it up.

I’ve even been profiled on page 2 of the bestselling book Entrepreneurial You by Dorie Clark (Harvard Business Review Press), who mentioned my story as an inspiration for why she shifted away from trading hours for dollars, after I told her I had made $30K one month through my email list.

I co-founded Rise25 with my business partner Dr. Jeremy Weisz, because he and I know exactly what it is like to spend your entire week “trading hours for dollars.”When Jeremy and I connected, I realized we really had a lot in common, even though I was a lawyer and he was a chiropractor.

Like me, Jeremy realized quickly he wanted to diversify his revenue sources so he wasn’t always stuck working and so he didn’t feel married to his business.

The first Rise25 retreat was held in March 2015. Shortly after that, we did another retreat. And another. And another.

And along the way, we realized we were on a mission.


But we also realized not everyone can travel to a live retreat, and if we wanted to help more people, we needed to meet them where they’re at.


Here’s what we’re going to cover:
  • The 2 Big Mistakes that will hold you back from growing
  • How to Add New Revenue Streams by developing your “one to many” product
  • How to Find Untapped Revenue in Your Business
  • 3 Big Mistakes that will cost you tons of time and money if you don’t do this...

  • How to use “secret mind control” to get real world feedback and sales
  • How to co-create exactly what your market wants
  • 2 Big Mental Blocks which could keep you handcuffed to “one to one” Client Work
  • Take Action: Next Steps


Co-Founder Rise25

John Corcoran

John Corcoran are the co-founders of Rise25, LLC, a company which helps professional service entrepreneurs like consultants, coaches, web developers, and writer/speakers to diversify their revenues and scale up by creating “one to many” programs and offerings.Both Jeremy and John are recovering professional services entrepreneurs themselves… John Corcoran is a recovering attorney, and a writer, father, and a former Clinton White House Writer and Speechwriter to the Governor of California. Throughout his career, John has worked in Hollywood, the heart of Silicon Valley, and ran his own boutique law firm in the San Francisco Bay Area catering to small business owners and entrepreneurs. He is also the creator of Smart Business Revolution.

Co-Founder of Rise25

Dr. Jeremy Weisz

Dr. Jeremy Weisz is the co-founder of Rise25, LLC, a company which helps professional service entrepreneurs like consultants, coaches, web developers, and writer/speakers to diversify their revenues and scale up by creating “one to many” programs and offerings.Both Jeremy and John are recovering professional services entrepreneurs themselves…Dr. Jeremy  continues to run his own chiropractic & massage facility in downtown Chicago and is also a podcaster and founder of a nutritional supplement business. He also created the #1 chiropractic jobs website and has served as an advisor and producer to the groundbreaking Mixergy business podcast.



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