Module 1: Your Purpose
First, we cover what is your purpose behind doing webinars in the first place. There could be many different motivations in holding webinars, from generating leads and sales to creating much greater leverage with your time, to building an audience.
You should be clear on why you want to do webinars so you know what you want to get out of it. If you don’t have a clear purpose yet, we’ll help you figure it out.
We also cover:
• How to use webinars to test out market interest in an idea
• How to do market research to find topics to teach about via webinar that will be popular with your target audience
• How to nurture relationships with your connections/audience/email list
• How to generate original content using webinars and monetize that content
• And much more.
Intro to Webinar1K
How to Sell on a Webinar without Being Salesy
Case Study - How to Conduct Research into Your Market
Your Purpose
1.4 - How to Conduct Research into Your Market
How to Use Webinar Swaps
How to Use Social Media to Promote a Webinar
7 Ways to Monetize your Webinar
Guerilla Webinar Promotion Tactics
How to Get People with Large Audiences to Promote You
5 Tweaks that Increased my Conversions
How to Use Collaborative Webinars
How to Start Your Own Collaboration Group
How to Use Case Studies
Module 2: Your Presentation
In this module, we cover:
• how to set expectations so that you are virtually guaranteed your webinars will be well received, and your audience will be primed to buy
How to structure your material (hint: you can’t simply take a PowerPoint presentation from a speech and deliver it on a webinar)
The best days and times to hold your webinar
** The exact slide-by-slide formula you can follow so that by the end of the presentation, the audience is preconditioned, ready and excited to buy from you.
How to teach on a webinar
How to position your “about me” story (this is one of the biggest problem areas where webinar rookies miss an opportunity)
How to get people to show up live for your webinar
How to use case studies in your webinar
How to transition from teaching to your offer at the end, without feeling like an icky salesperson.
I also share the “insider secrets” I learned about communication and presentation strategy working as a Writer in the Clinton White House to make sure your webinar presentations are of Presidential quality. : )
Module 3: Your Product or Service
Don’t have your own digital product to sell? Don’t worry.
Whether you don’t know what you would sell on a webinar, or intend to sell a product or service, or you want to sell more copies of a book, we have you covered.
I share 7 different creative ways to monetize a webinar, including not just selling your own service (coaching or consulting or a “done for you” service or some combination), but also selling someone else’s digital product or course, and even how you can
I also show you:
How to sell on a webinar without being “salesy”
How to use authentic scarcity and bonuses to increase sales
How to structure your pre-webinar and post-webinar emails (including what you should say when)
How to use surveys to gain a deep understanding of your audience
How you can get paid before a product is even created.
5 tweaks that increased my conversations and led to more sales.
Module 4: Your Promotion
Do you hate being “self-promotional”? A lot of people do. In Module 4, I share how to promote your webinar so that you don’t feel like you’re being the world’s biggest snake oil salesperson.
I also show you how to maximize the number of people registering for your webinar using guerrilla webinar promotion tactics.
You will also learn:
• how to contact past clients and connections – and even how to get them to promote your webinar to their friends and connections
**free webinar directory sites where you can promote your webinars
**how to use podcasts and guest posting to get more people to register for your webinars
How to use collaborative webinars with companies and individuals
How exactly to structure a promotion calendar so you know what you should be doing and when in the weeks leading up to a webinar
Module 5: Your Partners (for Master level or above)
The next thing you need to do is find the people you can collaborate with on what I call “Collaborative Webinars.”
What is a collaborative webinar? A collaborative webinar is simply a webinar that is hosted by someone else and led (or “taught”) by you. You do the “teaching” while someone else brings in the audience.
Using this strategy, I’ve added as many as a couple thousand email subscribers within a matter of days. But it’s not easy to get people with large audiences to promote you.
In this module, we cover:
How to leverage “webinar swaps” to grow your own audience.
How to get people who have a large online following or audience to promote you to their audience.
**how to organize collaborative webinars, including exact scripts for reaching out and a template for creating your own a partner “swipe kit.”
**how to start and run your own collaboration group.
**how to land webinars with companies and organizations.
How to use the “recap session” strategy to magnify the number of webinars you do per month.
Bonus Videos
Joint Venture Expert Andy Hussong on How to Approach Collaborative Partners
…even if you don’t have a New York Times bestselling book
…even if you don’t feel like an “expert”
…and even if you have no email list
using high-converting, authority-building webinars.
I guarantee it.
You ever wish you were a recognized expert and authority in your field?
Do you ever wonder why you don’t get more leads and sales coming in the door?
Do you ever feel frustrated trying to build your reputation in your industry, as you struggle to attract new clients and make more sales?
If I’ve just described you, I know exactly how you feel.
Hi, I’m John Corcoran. I’m an attorney-entrepreneur, former Clinton White House writer, contributor for Forbes and Huffington Post, and creator of Smart Business Revolution.
Back in 2011, I launched my first business, on the heels of the great recession.
I thought it would be easy to attract new clients but I saw first hand how much time, energy and effort it takes to run a service-based business.
It seemed I was constantly struggling to get new clients, then working to service those clients. And while I was serving clients, I needed to also be going out and getting new clients. It was a never-ending rollercoaster.
I hated going to networking events where you are stuck talking to people who are trying to sell you on their product or service as soon as you’ve met them.
It was so hard to know who to talk to, what groups to join, and what events were a good use of my time.
I felt “stuck,” and not sure how to break through.
I wanted to build my reputation as an expert and authority and I wanted to attract more clients without spending all my waking hours at the office.
I wanted to increase leads and sales, without working twice as hard.
I tried everything: networking events. SEO. Facebook ads. Podcasting.
Nothing seemed to work.
I was incredibly frustrated.
Finally, somebody suggested I try webinars. Check out the charts below.
I started holding webinars, and it was like adding “rocket fuel” to my business
I quadrupled my email list in 7 months.
The funny thing was, I thought I was growing my reputation, authority and email list pretty fast before I discovered webinars.
During 2014, I began to build my reputation and name recognition and grew my email list primarily by writing guest posts on different sites, like Business Insider, Forbes, Huffington Post and The Art of Manliness.
Each article or guest post took hours and hours to create. This was one-off effort which ultimately sent traffic to the site I was writing for, rather than to my own website.
That took me from around 1,000 email subscribers at the beginning of 2014 to 5,800 by Dec 31, 2014.
At the end of the year, I thought “Woo-hoo! I nearly 6X’d my email list!”
Then, in January of 2015, I began doing webinars, and I doubled my email list within the first 90 days of the year; then I tripled it shortly later. Then I quadrupled it, and it kept on growing.
I Brought in 21,352 New Leads and Over $200,000 in Revenue in 12 Months
Let’s put it another way: it took me about two years (or 24 months) to go from 0 to 4,000 email subscribers.
… then it took me 7 months to double that, from 4,000 to 8,000.
… then guess how long it took me to double it again, from 8,000 to 16,000 email subscribers?
7 months?
Wrong. 5 months.
So adding email subscribers actually speeds up, and gets easier.
Now, if you’re wondering why it is important to add all these email subscribers, hang on a second and I’ll explain.
Best of All, my Revenue Doubled… and Became More Consistent and Predictable
As the number of webinars I did grew, my email list grew. And as my email list grew, my revenues kept growing and growing.
Even better, my revenue became more predictable and consistent… it became much less of a roller-coaster.
It is pretty safe to assume that you can make $1 in revenue per email subscriber per month (many people I know do much better than this) from all revenue sources. So we’re talking about some serious money.
But here’s what I like the most about this webinar strategy.
Each one of those email addresses is a relationship. I’m building relationships with more people than I could possibly build relationships with the old-fashioned way. I’m building relationships at scale.
Whether I have 100 people on an email list or 100K, you’re putting in roughly the same amount of effort to write up some content and share it with everyone on your list.
You’re truly shifting from “one to one” to “one to many.”
Now, as I did all these webinars, I found more and more people were getting to know who I was, and it helped to build my reputation as an expert, which has all sorts of ancillary benefits.
I got speaking invitations, profiled in Forbes and in books, and held my own $50K Retreat
Since I started doing webinars, all kinds of amazing new opportunities came along.
I was profiled in Forbes and in the great book Stand Out: How to Find Your Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following Around It by Dorie Clark, who profiled me alongside celebrity chef Rachel Ray and authors Seth Godin and Robert Cialdini as examples of how to become known as an expert.
I was profiled on the LeadPages blog.
I started getting to speak at conferences alongside professional speakers, like Webinar Ninja Live.
In fact, I even launched a second business – running live events and retreats for high-level entrepreneurs – which itself is doing quite well.
Influencers and VIPs have paid me to attend these events – people who didn’t even know who I was just a few years ago.
Like this exclusive invite-only mastermind in San Francisco:
And this exclusive, 2 ½-day retreat in Austin for a dozen entrepreneurs who paid $4,000 each to attend (and people came from as far away as China).
The best part was we were able to sell out these live, in-person events by sending a couple of emails to my email list. That’s the huge power of building a big email list.
But all of this is meaningless if you don’t focus on what matters.
And for me, that’s my family.
Webinars Have “Bought Back” More Time to Be With Family
About 6 months after I got serious about webinars, I was dropping off my 4-year-old son Mason at preschool, when his teacher took me aside.
“We need drivers for our field trip to release the baby trout in Lake Lagunitas,” she said. “Can you chaperone?”
“Uh…. I guess so,” I said. “When is it?”
“Excellent! I’m so glad. It’s in 3 weeks,” she said. “I’ll put you down as a driver. Mason will be so happy.”
Now here’s the thing: I wasn’t sure I could make it at all. Going on a field trip in the middle of a workday means missing work, which when you’re self-employed generally means you aren’t getting paid.
To make matters worse, it was the day before I was leaving for a business trip, so I was already going to miss work that week.
Then I realized that this was Mason’s first field trip. Ever.
There would never be another one.
And so I agreed to be a chaperone, and I accompanied the class to Lake Lagunitas.
The scene would have made the most grizzled, hardened, unsympathetic criminal melt.
The class had raised the trout from eggs in their classroom fish tank over the previous six weeks.
One at a time, these kids carried the tiny baby trout in individual buckets down to the edge of the lake and released them.
Each child dipped their bucket into the water and said goodbye.
Just a few months later, most of the kids themselves would be on the move – off to kindergarten for the first time. Saying goodbye to their preschool and their friends.
But for now, there was just the kids, a beautiful warm spring day, and the fish.
And in the midst of it all was my son. At just 4 1/2 years old, he was still at the stage where it was fun and cool to have his Dad accompany him on a class activity.
He held my hand most of the day, blissfully uncaring of what his classmates would think of him.
Give it a few more years and he wouldn’t be so excited to have me around, much less hold my hand around his classmates.
But for now, I just soaked in the afternoon.
Here’s a picture of us:
Now, I wouldn’t have wanted to miss that trip for the world.
But here’s the honest truth: if it had happened just a year or two earlier, I probably would have had to miss the field trip entirely.
Why? Because it would have been too difficult to miss a day of work.
Instead, because I had made some major changes in my business, I was able to come with him.
What was the major difference for me from a year or two earlier?
Simply put: I had used webinars to create a business that leverages my time, rather than the other way around.
Using webinars, I am able to have a bigger impact on more people in less time.
It has given me much greater freedom. It allows me to live my life how I want to live it – even if that means running off to take my son on a field trip in the middle of the day.
Now, during this field trip I was out of cell reception for most of the day. When we finally got back within cell reception, I was able to check my email and messages. I was worried about what I might have missed.
What I saw shocked me.
It turned out I had made $1,000.
The revenue came from sales of a course through my email list.
Now, if I had read this story just a year earlier, I would have thought it was crazy, or impossible. Or a “get rich quick” scheme.
But I can tell you it’s not crazy. I’m living proof it’s possible.
You can do it too.
Webinars can give you the freedom & control you’ve always wanted.
Maybe you have kids. Or maybe you want to spend more time with friends, or working out, or on a hobby. Or you want to work less so you can go on vacation.
The point is: life goes by quickly, and you don’t want to miss it being stuck at work.
Now, I want all of this for you too.
I want you to be able to build relationships at scale with thousands of people like I have, and webinars make all of that possible.
Before I got serious about webinars, none of these things would have seemed plausible. But within a few months, everything changed. That’s how quickly webinars can light a fire under your business.
But sadly… many people think they can’t do webinars, aren’t ready yet, or they create artificial barriers in their mind. They push off the idea as one they will try “one day”, as if some divine intervention will persuade them when they are ready.
Why do we do this? Why do we stop ourselves from giving this incredibly powerful tool a shot?
Let’s tackle the “myths” about webinars that are probably holding you back.
There are 5 major myths which hold people back from doing webinars…
MYTH #1 “I Need to be an ‘Expert’ to Do Webinars”
You don’t need to be a the world’s foremost expert to get started with webinars. You just need to know a little bit more than the people you are teaching.
Imagine if you discovered a great travel website. You get a great deal on two first class plane flights to Paris for $99.
What a steal, right?
Over lunch one day, you tell your friend — who happens to be a neurosurgeon – about this travel website and the deal you got. And he says “man, you have to show me how you did it!!”
Do you refuse, because he’s obvious a neurosurgeon and he’s brilliant?
Of course not! You know more about how to get $99 tickets to Paris than your friend does.
For this narrow, specific topic, YOU are the expert.
That’s how it goes with webinars – you just need to know something you can teach an audience that is interested in learning from you.
My favorite example to illustrate this is Chandler Bolt. Chandler was about 21 years old when he started teaching people how to self-publish a book using the Amazon Kindle platform. Many of his students were 20 or 30 years older than him.
Did he let age stop him? No.
If you hold yourself back, you’ll fail 100% of the time.
MYTH #2 “I Need a Big Email List to Start Doing Webinars”
You absolutely do not need a big email list to start doing webinars.
When you approach webinars the way I teach you, the size of your list doesn’t really matter.
In addition, there’s no better way to grow an email list than using webinars. So once you get started hosting your own webinars, your list will grow quickly.
In fact, you’re actually better off not having a huge list. Wouldn’t you rather get the kinks out and learn how to get really good at hosting webinars before you have hundreds or thousands of people watching?
I had fewer than 200 people on my email list when I did my first webinar. And I’m glad I didn’t wait until later because it allowed me to get better over time without too many people watching. And only once I started doing webinars did my list start growing.
Take for example Scott Barlow. Scott did not have a huge email list when he started doing webinars at my urging and encouragement. With some advice and coaching from me, he decided to get into doing webinars.
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“John showed me his system for getting started with webinars and I was blown away. Within a few months, I had done over $10,000+ on 5 webinars. Not to mention the coaching clients I picked up from the exposure. I was able to quit my full time job and go to work for myself. Thanks in part to webinars, I just made more money from my new business than I did working full time. Follow John’s system because he knows how to make it work.” Scott Barlow Happentoyourcareer.com |
MYTH #3 “I need to have a Digital Course to Start Doing Webinars”
This is actually a big mistake. I see people think they need to create some kind of digital product or course before getting started with webinars.
You’re actually better off not having a digital course and here’s why. If you create a digital course before you start holding webinars, you will probably “make it up” – creating the course based off what you “think” in your gut people want.
This is almost always a recipe for disaster.
Webinars are amazing market research tools so you can learn exactly what people want from you, and so you can create a solution that fits those needs. You end up creating products or services that fit the market, rather than “guessing” like most people do.
You are better off beginning to hold webinars and getting feedback from your audiences about what they want or need from you.
This process will actually help you to shape what would go into your product or service. You can literally create what people tell you they need, creating a product that is far more likely to sell.
MYTH #4 “If I Hold a Webinar, I Don’t Know If Anyone Will Show Up”
Sure, it’s understandable. When you haven’t hosted many webinars before, you naturally think no one is going to show up.
In fact, it’s not that difficult to get plenty of people to show up for your webinars, if you play your cards right.
You just need to position your webinar the right way.
In the early days, when you are just getting started and don’t have much of an email list to tell about your webinars, you will recruit people the same way you would recruit people to come to a live event – one at a time.
You can also use free or inexpensive strategies like mining your social media contacts (people you are connected to through Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.), asking for referrals, free webinar directories, etc.
The good news is once you get the pieces in place, and you use a structured system like I teach (more on that below), then you can just “rinse and repeat” for each new webinar you do. You can be virtually assured hundreds of people will show up for each webinar you hold because you’re not “guessing” – you’re following a proven system that works.
MYTH #5 “Before I Can Get Started with Webinars, I need to ‘Figure It All Out’”
This is the most damaging myth of all, and not just for getting started with webinars. This is a dangerous attitude to have as you go through life.
Most of the things which are worth doing we have not “figured out” when we get started. We just need to dive in feet first.
College? Marriage? Your first job? Parenthood?
None of these things you have “figured out” on day 1, yet you dive in, you figure it out, and you manage to survive.
No one has it all “figured out” before they host their first webinar. The only way to figure it out is by getting started and by getting guidance to help you through the process.
You will never have enough time. You will always have other things to do. You’ll always have something else competing for your attention.
And you’ll never be able to be fully prepared for the experience quite like actually going through it.
How Webinars Can Help Your Business
So why should you care about doing webinars? And what can they do for your business?
Here’s why webinars are so amazing:
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You can communicate with thousands of people at once. |
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Webinars have an intimacy that you don’t get from other forms of online content such as blog posts, videos or podcasts. |
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The live nature of a webinar creates an urgency which makes people more likely to buy on a webinar. |
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Webinars can be nearly free or at least very inexpensive, especially compared to live in-person events (you don’t have to rent out a room, provide drinks or refreshments, or anything like that). |
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You can hold a free webinar to gauge feedback on a product or business idea, without spending thousands of dollars up front only to learn a product idea is a failure. |
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Webinar software has gotten MUCH easier to use and less glitchy – if you can tie your shoes, you can definitely run a webinar. |
I wish I could say I knew all of this right from the beginning. Unfortunately, that was far from the case.
My First Few Webinars Were a Disaster!
I wish I could say that my webinars were immediately a huge success. Unfortunately, that was not the case.
When I first got started, I thought I could “figure it all out” myself. That decision ended up costing me tens of thousands of dollars and YEARS of wasted time.
In fact, here’s a screenshot from the title slide from one of my early webinars:
Ugh…. so ugly
I never had a guide to show me, step-by-step, what I should do.
Sure, there were plenty of “get rich quick” people who promise “you can make 7 figures on a webinar in the next 30 days!” but I always felt they were too “salesy” and too pushy for my style.
So, after I started to see some sustained success with webinars, I had a lot of people coming to me and asking me how I did it.
Many of them wanted to know “can webinars work for me in my industry?”
I told everyone who asked me about webinars the same thing…
Webinars are the Future
No matter what line of work you are in, if you are a business owner, you need to start doing webinars.
Traditional industries and vocations are getting disrupted today at an alarming rate. Just ask a former travel agent or a journalist (like my mother and father).
Even traditional service-based businesses are being totally disrupted by rapidly accelerating technology – careers like language translation, proofreading, tax preparer, researcher, and even jobs like accountant and lawyer are starting to get disrupted.
Webinars allow you to start building a massive list of leads and prospects who are interested in YOU and what you have to offer. This massive leads list is one you can communicate with quickly and cheaply at any time.
And this is just the beginning. In fact, webinars are still a very new technology and poised for huge growth in the years ahead. According to ON24’s annual Webinar Benchmarks Report, webcasts saw a 47% INCREASE in average viewing time between 2010 and 2013, from 38 minutes in 2010 to 56 minutes.
That’s a nearly 50 percent increase in average viewing time. Webinar engagement is increasing.
In addition, studies project that an estimated 4 billion people are going to be coming online before the year 2020, compared to an estimated 2 billion who are online today. That’s a huge increase in demand.
If you aren’t doing webinars today, you are missing out. And you may be left behind.
Even if you’re a service professional with a mostly “offline” business and little online presence, you can use this strategy.
Nearly any offline product or service can be marketed to a much larger group using webinars.
And I want to show you how.
Webinar1K is a step-by-step digital course and community aimed at showing you how to become a recognized expert and authority in your industry, increase leads and sales, and make $1,000 or more per month using webinars.
If you are a services professional or a business owner… including coach, consultant, lawyer, accountant, insurance agent, real estate professional, or other type of professional who needs new leads and sales, then this is aimed at you.
If you’ve been “thinking about” trying webinars for months or years, this course contains EVERYTHING you need to know. I will show you exactly what you need to do (and not do).
Here’s what Webinar1K includes:
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Easy-to-follow step-by-step video lessons, even if you’ve never done a webinar before |
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How to pick a topic using market research so you are virtually assured people will register and show up |
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Get feedback, advice and support from others in the private community |
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Built-in accountability |
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Unlimited consulting with John during the course |
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“Swipe file” with presentation templates (Master level or above) |
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Exact word-for-word email templates (Master level or above) |
This is the clear, step-by-step, straightforward guide I never had – the guide I wanted when I got started. I show you how to get started with webinars and using webinars to start making at least $1,000 per month.
I will make webinars work for you, just as they have for me.
I completely peel back the curtain on my business – and give you all my email templates, PowerPoint (and Keynote) templates, email sequences, best free or inexpensive software tools to use for webinars … everything.
I share everything I’ve learned over 3+ years of testing so you don’t need to make my mistakes (and saving you tons of time).
The course includes:
how to build your reputation as an expert using webinars
how to overcome fear you’re “not an expert”
how to get people to register for your webinar, even if you have no or a small email list
how to get partners with large followings to promote you to their audience, even if you know no one now
how to sell on a webinar, even if you don’t have a product or are not sure what to offer
case studies of how others are using webinars to grow their income in a variety of niches and industries
And… everyone who enrolls in the course gets LIFETIME ACCESS to the course and any additions we make to it in the future.
Who Is Webinar1K For?
Webinar1K is for a business owner who wants to increase their leads and sales and build their reputation as an expert and authority in their industry.
It’s for entrepreneurs who don’t have a NY Times bestselling book, aren’t getting asked to keynote speeches at major conferences, and who don’t have a massive audience or platform (yet).
If you’re a coach or consultant, small business owner, CPA, lawyer, author/speaker, or other professional and you could benefit from becoming a recognized expert and authority in your field, then this course is for you.
This is not a “get rich quick” scheme. This may not be the best course for you. There are other courses that suggest you can make 7 figures on a webinar in the next 30 days. If you think that’s plausible, then we suggest you buy those courses.
This course is based on my proven system which I used to go from “stuck on the marketing rollercoaster” which so many service-based business owners experience, to a recognized expert and authority in my field in a very short time. It’s the system I’ve taught others and I’ll teach you as well.
What will you learn in the course?
The path to becoming an expert mountaineer and cliffhanger takes dedication and time, but if you put your mind to it, you'll have no problem becoming one of the best. What are you waiting for?
What will you learn in the course?
Bonus #1: 60 Days of Priority Email Access ($997 Value)
If you have any questions about how to apply the material in the course to your unique situation, you get priority email access while going through the course.
This is not a passive online course where your questions get emailed into outer space, never to be seen again. I may be busy, but I am human after all – and that’s what I teach. So we give you priority email access to answer any unusual questions or concerns regarding your unique circumstances.
Bonus #2: A private community where you can exchange ideas and get feedback from others ($697 value)
Sure, we might be able to answer your question… but what if you could get feedback and ideas from multiple people instead of just one? Wouldn’t that be better?
I often say I don’t have a monopoly on good ideas, and that’s why I created a private Facebook community where you can throw out your ideas (even if you are feeling unsure) and get feedback from other members of the course.
Bonus #3: Real Student Coaching Case Studies ($197 value)
Right now, I do very little coaching. And even if you could hire me to do some coaching with you, it would be extraordinarily expensive. I am a lawyer after all. : )
But the good news is there are certain questions that are quite common when you’re getting started with webinars, no matter what part of the globe you live in and what level you are at in your business. So we included real student coaching case studies with me where we cover many of the most common barriers, stumbling blocks, and success hacks.
Case Studies with A-Level Entrepreneurs
(for Master level and above)
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Sign up for Webinar1K Today
Webinar 1K Pro Level
Webinar 1K Master Level
Webinar1K Ultimate
“John strongly encouraged me to get started holding webinars, and he showed me exactly how to do it. In my first webinar, I landed three new clients for my financial planning practice, with combined assets of approximately $2.6 million. Plus, I have 4 other qualified prospects with over $3 million of investable assets. It was a slam dunk.”
Jeff Rose
Financial Planner
“I was nervous about doing webinars, but I followed John’s instructions and have made over $18,000 in the past 12 months from webinars.”
Tom Morkes
Digital Publishers and Book Publishing Strategist
2 Unbeatable “Risk Free” Guarantees
I am so certain that this program will work for you that I’m willing to remove virtually ALL risk for you. In fact, I brainstormed the best possible guarantee and I actually came up with TWO separate “no risk” guarantees. |
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Guarantee #1 – The 30 Day Test Drive Guarantee
If you join Webinar1K and decide within 30 days that it’s not for you, just email me and we’ll send you a refund. I’m giving you a 30-day “test drive” so you can do a full evaluation of the course to decide for yourself if it’s a good fit.
The only condition is that you have to do the homework for module 1. After all, it is a test drive – so we just ask that you give it a shot.
Guarantee #2 – The 60-Day, $1,000 Promise
If you put in the time, follow the process, do the work, and reach out for help through the Facebook community when you need help, I guarantee that if you hold at least 2 webinars within 60 days of purchasing the program, you will be able to make $1,000 through those webinars, and have a system in place to generate at least $1,000 per month each month thereafter using webinars. If you don’t get those results, then you will send to us and we will review a recording of your two webinars and your presentation slides and we’ll meet with you 1-on-1 to get you on track.
And remember – you have lifetime access to this program. So if you decide the timing is not right for you to do webinars right now, you can use the material in the course later. But you can lock in lifetime access today at today’s price. And you’ll even get all future updates for free.
I am certain I will be increasing the price in the future, so locking in your investment at today’s price will protect you from having to pay a higher price in the future.
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“I only pay attention and take advice from people who are in the trenches and doing it, and John has logged over 100 webinars so he’s figured out what works and what doesn’t work. I highly recommend you take his advice.” Bjork Ostrom PinchOfYum.com and FoodBloggerPro.com |
Making the decision to start holding webinars is hands-down the best decision I’ve made in my business… since the decision to open my business.
I feel like I was sputtering along… until I introduced webinars. Those first few webinars were like putting rocket fuel in the tank, and it hasn’t let up.
If you want more time with family, if you want to bring in more leads and sales, if you want to become a respected expert and authority in your industry who attracts “cream of the crop” clients you love working with like you’re a magnet… then you need to start doing webinars.
If you’ve read this far, then I know you want the same. You know the potential of what webinars can do for your business.
The only question is … will you take action? Will you stop “thinking” about doing webinars and start doing it?
This is no doubt the lowest price you’ll ever see for this course – I expect to raise it soon. (When you start making multiple six figures on up with your business which you can directly attribute to webinars, then you’ll see why it’s so valuable.)
If you are really committed to doing webinars, then I’ll show you exactly how to do it and get you up and running and making money, building your reputation as an expert, and growing your email list.
One of my favorite inspirational quotes comes from the Scottish climber and writer William H. Murray, who said:
Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. [T]he moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man [or woman] could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”
— William H. Murray
If you want to become a respected expert and authority in your field – and you haven’t become one yet – then what do you plan to do differently? How will you achieve that end result you so desire?
It’s been said that Albert Einstein once quipped that “the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.”
If you are still doing what you’re always doing, how will things change for you? How will you expect to attract A-list clients you love working with? How will you expect to create greater freedom through your business to spend time with your family and doing things you love?
To paraphrase WH Murray, you must commit. You must be bold. You must begin.
I will show you the way.
Regular Price
Webinar 1K Master Level
Webinar1K Ultimate
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know this course will work for me?
If you can sell your product or service in-person, then you can probably sell it via a webinar – and reach a global audience.
Everyone likes to think “my situation is really unique” or “my industry is different.” The truth is, a webinar is just an online version of a speech or an in-person presentation. (Of course, it’s a little more complex than that.)
If you can educate and sell face-to-face, then you can educate and sell online using a webinar.
If you think your content or material can work for 5 people in a room, then it can work for 100 or 500 people on a webinar.
There are very few* types of businesses I can think of which wouldn’t benefit from holding webinars.
Will this work for me if I am not an expert, don’t have an email list, and have no relationships with VIP bloggers with huge email lists?
First, of all, who says you need to be an “expert”? You don’t have to spend 30 years in academia before holding a webinar. That’s not a requirement.
Secondly, there are ways to overcome these barriers. I didn’t have an email list when I started. I had no relationships with VIP bloggers with large email lists when I started.
Can I afford this right now?
That’s a question you have to answer.
However, I can tell you that the strategies in this course are what I used to bring in multiple six figures of revenue to my business, and during 2015 I DOUBLED what I made during 2013.
Look at it as an investment. If you think you can recoup your investment by holding successful webinars that add $1,000 to $10,000 per month to your revenues, you should join the course.
How is the course delivered?
This is a digital course which is delivered over the course of four weeks (or 6 weeks if you join at the Master or Ultimate level). After you sign up, you will receive access to an introductory video and then you will receive access to new modules at a pace of one per week starting on the following Monday.
The pacing of the course is deliberately delivered over time so as to avoid overwhelm and give you time to develop the material you will need for the course. If however you have an urgent need to have access to additional modules in the course, please contact us after you purchase and we can work with you to give you access if you need it.
If I purchased the Master level, can I upgrade to the Ultimate level?
If you purchase the Master level and later decide you would like more personalized coaching, you can upgrade to the Ultimate level. Because one on one coaching is involved at the Ultimate level, we don’t offer the 30 day refund period which applies at the lower levels.
What is the refund policy?
I have two guarantees.
First, I have a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you take the course and actually put in the work and it doesn’t work for you, email me directly and request a refund and we will give you your money back.
Secondly, I have a 60-day $1,000 guarantee. If you commit yourself to taking this course and begin holding webinars, I see no reason why you can’t make $1,000 or more.
So if you take the full course and hold at least one webinar (although really you should do at least 2 or 3) and you still haven’t been able to make $1,000, then either I or one of my certified coaches will get on the phone with you and diagnose what went wrong. I am that committed to making sure it is a success for you.
Is this actually possible?
Three years ago, I knew no one – no bloggers, podcasters, authors, etc. If I can do it, anyone can.
Today, I’ve had people with huge followings (including multiple people with 100K-subscriber email lists) promote me to their audiences.
You’ll have a major advantage on me by having someone hold you accountable and tell you exactly what works and what doesn’t.
How much time will this take?
Great question!
The course is spread out over 4 weeks, or 6 weeks if you purchase at the Master level or above. I suggest devoting 5 to 10 hours to the material and homework assignments.
Is this GUARANTEED to work?
There are no guarantees in life.
And simply because I was able to achieve these results does not guarantee you will as well. Past results are no guarantee of future performance by you or anyone.
However, I am 100% committed to making this work for you. If you put in the work, I’ve seen this strategy work for hundreds of people in hundreds of fields and niches.
More importantly, I want you to be committed. It’s very easy to try something and give up when it gets difficult. If you don’t think you’re going to follow through with this course, you shouldn’t join. I am looking for active involvement and will expect it from you.